
Storing non-serializable objects

In many cases there are requirements, where every user session needs a seperate object to be used throughout the session.
For example, let us take the example where there is requirement to access the SOA related data from the Application Module. To access the data from the SOA server, a connection has to be established to the SOA server and then appropriate data has to be queried. The same connection cannot be used by all users (or cannot be used in all user sessions). Every user session should have a seperate connection, so that when queries are executed, only the data related to the user are fetched. So for every user session, a seperate connection object is required.

So how can we make evey user have a seperate unserializable object?

The simplest way to achieve this is to re-create the object every time it is required. But in many cases, recreating such objects can have serious performance implications. So what else can be done?

The only other thing that can be done is to minimize the number of times the object is re-created.
This can be achieved by storing the non-serializable objects in the session of the DB transaction associated to the Application module.

The following piece of code shows how to do that..


So the overall procedure should be as follows..

  • Check whether the require object is present in the user session
  • If the object is present , just it
  • If the object is not present, create an instance of the object. Put a reference of the object in the session and use the reference.
The session associated to the transaction, gets re-initialized whenever passivation/activation happens. So all the objects placed in the session will be gone after the passivation/activation cycle.


Basic information about xsd's and namespace

An xsd file can refer to another xsd file in two ways..

  • using <import> tags
  • using <include> tags
The <import> tag has to be used, when an xsd wants to refer another xsd whose "targetNamespace" values is different.
The <include> tag has to be used, when the "targetNamespace" of the referred xsd is same as the "targetNamespace" of the referring xsd..
You cannot "import" an xsd whose "targetNamespace" is same as the "targeNamespace" of the referring xsd file...
Similarly, you cannot "include" an xsd whose "targetNamespace" is different from the "targetNamespace" of the referring xsd file.