
Accessing the current locale context

In BC4J , every application module is associated to a locale context object. To access the locale context object associated to the application module use the code snippet given below.

ApplicationModule am=.....


Accessing Custom Propeties of Entities

BC4J allows custom properties to be associated to each entity/view object. This can be done declaratively using the overview editor of each object.

To access the value of a custom property (either translated one or the non-translated one), use the following piece of code..

Accessing the custom property value from an entity class


The "propertyName" is the name of the property whose value is needed. The property can also be a translatable property. If the property is a translatable property, the above piece of code will fetch the translated value of the LocaleContext associated to the session of the application module..

If the translated value of some other LocaleContext is required then use the following piece of code.

this.getEntityDef().getProperty("propertyName", localeContextObject);

where "localeContextObject" is a java object of type oracle.jbo.LocaleContext.

Accessing the custom property value in viewobject class

In the Impl class just use the method "getProperty"..This takes the same parameters as explained above..