
Basics of AM pooling

Basically, every user request will be given an AM instance from the AM pool. Before the response for the user request is sent back to the client, the AM instance will be saved back to the AM pool. A user may not be given the AM instance which was given to him previously. This can happen, when all the free AM instances have been used up . Before giving an AM instance to a user, ADFbc checks if the AM instance has been serving the previous requests of the user. If not, the framework will passivate all the AM state and will re-intialize its state so that it can start serving the new user.

During this entire process, there are few hook points in the Application Module class where the developer can have custom logic to implement his requirements. The most important of these hook points is the method "prepareSession(Session sessionParam)".

This method will be called, in the following cases.

  • When there are free AM instances, and a user has sent a request for the first time.
  • When all the free AM instances are used up and one on the AM instances has to serve the request of a new user.