
Entity States (Entity Life cycle)

The above picture explains how an entity object moves from one state to another..

When an entity row is in memory, it has an entity state that reflects the logical state of the row. When an entity row is first created, its status is New. You can use the setNewRowState() method to mark the entity as being Initialized, which removes it from the transaction's list of pending changes until the user sets at least one of its attributes, at which time it returns to the New state. This allows you to create more than one initialized row and post only those that the user modifies.

The Unmodified state reflects an entity that has been retrieved from the database and has not yet been modified. It is also the state that a New or Modified entity transitions to after the transaction successfully commits. During the transaction in which it is pending to be deleted, an Unmodified entity row transitions to the Deleted state. Finally, if a row that was New and then was removed before the transaction commits, or Unmodified and then successfully deleted, the row transitions to the Dead state.

You can use the getEntityState() method to access the current state of an entity row in your business logic code.

If you use the postChanges() method to post pending changes without committing the transaction yet, the getPostState() method returns the entity's state from the point of view of it's being posted to the database or not. For example, a new entity row that has been inserted into the database due to your calling the postChanges()method programmatically — but which has not yet been committed — will have a different value for getPostState() and getEntityState(). The getPostState() method will reflect an "Unmodified" status since the new row has been posted, however the getEntityState() will still reflect that the entity is New in the current transaction.


Does every master entity row has a seperate RowSet object

Yes every master entity row has a seperate RowSet object containing all its child rows...

Let us take the Department and Employee tables...Assume that the primary key of the department table is the "DepartmentName" and not the "DepartmentId"... Let us say that there is an association between the Department entity and the Employee entity based on the "DepartmentId" attribute, so that the Department entity is the master and the Employee entity is the child..

So for every department row, there should be a RowSet using which all the associated Employee's can be found...

Even if there are two deparment rows having the same "DepartmentId" values, each row will have a seperate RowSet object...but both the RowSet objects will be pointing to the same iterator...

So if multiple master rows have the same source attribute value , then ADF bc is clever enough to fetch all the rows from the middle tier instead of firing queries to the database to fetch the child rows...

This is true even if the association accessors are retained.

Does this mean anything?

This information is given just to explain that ADFbc is good at deciding when it has to go to database and whether it can fetch all the necessary information from the middle tier


Retaining Association accessor

In BC4J its easy to create a parent-child relationships between entity objects. This is done using the entity association objects.

Every time when an entity association accessor is accessed, ADF bc by default creates a new RowSet object containing all the child rows associated to the current parent entity object. This does not mean that an sql query will be re-executed to fetch all the child rows . This only means that a new instance of a RowSet object will be created with its default iterator reset to the "slot" before the first row. To force the row set to refresh its rows from the database, executeQuery() method has to be called.

Since there is a small amount of overhead associated with creating the row set, if your code makes numerous calls to the same association accessor attributes, you can consider enabling the association accessor row set retention for the source entity object in the association. You can enable retention of the association accessor row set using the overview editor for the entity object that is the source for the association accessor. Select Retain Association Accessor Row Set in the Tuning section of the General page of the overview editor for the entity object.

When this feature is enabled for an entity object, since the association accessor row set is not recreated each time, the current row of the RowSet object is also retained as a side-effect. This means that inorder to reset the currency of the row set , the "reset" method has to be called on the row set object. A failure to call reset() each time before the rowset is iterated, can result in hard-to-detect error in your application.

So the best way to iterate through the rows is to have code as follows..

RowSet rs=.....


So irrespective of whether the association accessor is retained or not, this code will help to scroll through all the rows of the row set...

The method "rs.hasNext()" might fire an sql query , if its the first time the row set is being called. So only the first time a rowset is being scrolled, the framework fires an SQL query and populates the row set..In other cases, the method "hasNext()" will just check if there is any row in the entity cache or not....

If you always want to access all the rows that have been created in the middle tier as well as all the rows from the database use the following piece of code..

RowSet rs=.....



This code works irrespecitive of whether the association accessors are retained or not...This code will fetch all the new rows from the middle tier and all the rows (even the new rows commited to the database from backend ) from the database...

Programmatically setting the association accessor retention

To programmatically set the association accessor retention do the following..

Generate the Entity Collection class...In this class, there should be a method like "init()"...In this method, after the line "super.init();" call the method "setAssociationAccessorRetained(true)", by passing "true" as parameter...